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Q: Does a liagament indirectly attaches skeletal muscle to bone?
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What tissue attaches skeletal muscle to bones?


What type of muscle tissue attaches to bone?

Skeletal muscle is the type attached to bones.

Tendons are bundles of collagen fibers at the end of a skeletal muscle that?

That attaches muscle to bone.

A strong connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone?

Tendons attach muscles to bones. An example is the Achilles tendon that attaches your calf muscle (gastrocnemius) to the bones in your foot.

Which muscle type is voluntary in action?

The skeletal muscle is the only type of muscle which is voluntary.

Broad flat sheet of a tendon that attaches one skeletal muscle to another?


What attaches skeletal muscles to bone?

Skeletal muscles can attach to bones directly and indirectly. A direct attachment is when the epimysium (the sheath of connective tissue surrounding the muscle fibre's exterior surface) sticks to and fuses with the periosteum (the connective tissue surrounding the exterior surface of the bone). An indirect attachment is when the epimysium extends beyond the muscle as a tendon and attaches to the periosteum of the bone. This attachment is more common in the human body than a direct attachment.

What type of muscle attaches to the skeletal system and allows movement?

Skeletal or voluntary muscles attach to the skeleton and allow movement. In contrast, smooth muscles are not under voluntary control.

Type of muscle that is voluntary and striated?


What muscle tissue is multinucleated?

skeletal muscles

Which muscle is not directly controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and most glands

Which muscle tissue concerns with locomotion of the body as a whole?

Skeletal muscle