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If you mean Loggerhead Sea Turtles, then they lay eggs. (I think all turtles lay eggs)

Loggerheads, as well as all other Sea Turtles, lay their eggs on a beach, usually the same beach where they themselves hatched.

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Q: Does a logger turtle lay eggs or give birth?
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Do a turtle give birth?

Yes. Yes they do, they lay eggs in the sands of beaches

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sharks do not lay eggsShark species all lay eggs but some species retain their eggs inside them and give birth to live young when these eggs could be either. some sharks give birth and some lay eggs. it depends on what shark it is.Sharks give birth to live birthshark give birth to babiesthey give live birth unlike other cartiligious fishThey give birth live, by keeping their eggs in their bodies.

How long until a turle gives birth after mating?

They don't give birth ... they lay eggs. They lay those eggs about a month after sex, then it takes about 3 months to hatch. Since the turtle is cold blooded, those times are temperature dependent.