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Q: Does a milkshake phases have tightly packed particles?
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how the particles are arranged and bonded in the three states of matter by referring to particle theory?

Gases, liquids and solids are all made up of microscopic particles, but the behaviors of these particles differ in the three phases. Gas is well separated with no regular arrangement. liquid are close together with no regular arrangement. solid are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern.

Which of the three phases of matter has partiCles sEparated by the least amount of distance?

Usually the solid phase, but some substances, importantly water, are exceptions because the liquid near the freezing point has shorter inter-particle distances than the solid near the freezing point.

What happens molecularly when a substance goes through a phases to get from a solid to a gas?

The particle theory states that all particles are made of matter, these particles are in constant motion and there is a force of attraction between these particles. Solids have more closely packed particles and thse particles get looser as they progress through the states from liquid to gas. Therefore, moleculary, the molecules move faster and faster and appear farther and farther away from each other.

What are the charectaristics of solids?

Solids are one of the four phases of matter (the others being liquid, gas, and plasma). Solid particles are densely packed and rigid, making them have a definite shape unlike the other phases of matter. They have little space to move which is why it is hard for you to make your hand pass through a table. They also do not pressurize well.

Similarities of liquid and gas?

They are both fundamental phases of matter. They can vary in form, and do not have their atoms or molecules packed closely together.

How does the vibration of atoms relate to the phases of matter?

In the solid phase, the atoms are tightly packed in a regular manner. They only vibrate in their own positions. In the liquid phase, the atoms are slightly more disordered and irregularly packed. They can move around freely. In the gaseous phase, the atoms have very large spaces between one another and they can move around at very high speeds.

What are the characteristics of heterogeneous mixtures?

A heterogeneous mixture has two or more distinct phases with different characteristics. Because of this, two random samples of a heterogeneous mixture may have different compositions. For example, the phases in mud are the water and soil particles, which remain distinct from one another. These phases are not necessarily visible, but may exist as microscopic clusters or particles. By contrast in a homogeneous mixture any two random samples will be identical.

Are lunar phases related to lunar eclipses?

Lunar phases are tightly related to both kinds of eclipse: -- A lunar eclipse can occur only at the time of Full Moon. -- A solar eclipse can occur only at the time of New Moon.

Why do substances change phases when energy is added or removed?

Due to the breaking or formation of the bonds that hold the particles together.

What are the 3 phases of soil erosion?

Detachment:soil particles are detached from the soil mass due to rain splash. Transport: deposition

When particles are moving between two phases and no net change in the amount of either phase occurs exists?

E2020? Its Equilibrium

What property do colloid and suspensions have that a solución dónde nota have?

Unlike in a suspension, the particles in a colloid do not separate into two phases on standing.