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A monopoly produces at the elastic portion of the demand curve. If producing at the inelastic portion of the deman curve, the monopoly could lower the quantity produced and raise the price to achieve more total revenue.

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2d ago

A monopoly typically produces in the inelastic part of the demand curve because it has control over the quantity supplied and can set prices higher without losing too many customers. This allows the monopoly to maximize its profits by charging higher prices for its products.

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Q: Does a monopoly produce at the inelastic or elastic part of the demand curve?
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What is the difference between elastic demand and inelastic demand?

Elastic demand is essentially when something it a luxury, hence it can become less when price increases eg. that last piece of choc cake that you would normally buy, you decide not to, whereas the inelastic demand generally refers to a product/service that is essential or a necessity so as the price increases the consumption should remain the same regardless of price increase. for instance you need a loaf of bread, your going to buy it regardless of increase. there is the process of substitution, by which the inelastic demand could be switched to a cheaper brand, so say you want beans for your bread, you opt for the half price 10p special rather than your usual choice of heinz's best recipe. Hope this helps!

Is demand of education elastic or inelastic?

The demand for education is generally considered to be inelastic. This is because education is seen as a necessity and essential for personal and career development, so changes in price have limited impact on the overall demand for education.

What is concentration theory in tax shifting?

Concentration theory in tax shifting refers to the idea that businesses may pass on the burden of a tax to consumers in the form of higher prices. The theory suggests that the extent to which businesses can shift the tax burden to consumers depends on the market structure and the elasticity of demand. If the demand for the product is inelastic, businesses are more likely to pass on the tax burden to consumers.

What is the example of declining demand?

An example of declining demand would be a decrease in sales of a specific product over time, leading to excess inventory or the need for price markdowns to stimulate sales. This could be due to changes in consumer preferences, competition from alternative products, or a decrease in overall market demand.

What would happen if all of the world turned their kettles on at the same time?

If everyone in the world turned their kettles on at the same time, there would likely be a massive spike in electricity demand that could overload power grids in many regions. This could lead to widespread power outages, especially in areas with already strained infrastructure. Additionally, the sudden demand on water resources could strain local water supplies.

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Demand and its types?

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Difference between elastic and inelastic demand?

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Demand for wine is elastic or inelastic?

Highly elastic.

What are the types of price elasticity of demand?

there are five types.1).perfect elastic demand,2)perfect inelastic demand,3).relatively elastic demand,4).relatively inelastic demand4).unity elastic demand

Will a monopolist charge a lower price where demand is price elastic and a higher price where demand is price inelastic?

Yes. A monopolist would tend to charge a price closer to fair market value when the demand for a good is elastic. If not demand would be affected. With a monopoly controlled inelastic good the consumer has no recourse and there for would be and the mercy of the supplier.

What are the different types of demands?

Inelastic Demand & Elastic Demand

When the price of a good will cause total revenue to fall if price elasticity of demand is elastic or inelastic?

when price changes it is called inelastic demand and when quantity of demand change that is called elastic of demand.

Distinguish between elastic and inelastic demand?

An example of perfectly inelastic demand would be a life-saving drug that people will pay any price to obtain. Elastic demand is the opposite of this.

If the elasticity equals 0 is demand perfectly elastic or perfectly inelastic?

it is perfectly inelastic