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Q: Does a possession of marijuana affect a domestic violence case?
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Related questions

What is the sociological aspects of domestic violence?

Domestic violence can lead to broken homes, children are also affected emotionally. Victims of such turn to drugs which in turn affect the rate of criminality.

Does domestic violence affect you mentally?

I would change the word "mentally" to "psychologically," and then asnwer, "yes."

Which age group is most likey to suffer domestic violence?

Research has shown that women between the ages of 18-34 are at the highest risk of experiencing domestic violence. However, it is important to note that domestic violence can affect individuals across all age groups.

What are the problems in society that affect education?

Poverty, homelessness, hunger, domestic violence, sickness, drug abuse, etc.

Does domestic violence in society affect children behavior?

Yes. If a boy sees his father beating his mother he will grow up thinking that is acceptable when it is not!

Can a loss of driving privileges for possession of marijuana when you are not in a vehicle affect your insurance?

Having your license in suspended status will affect the insurance, some will not even insure until the license is reinstated - but the reason it was suspended will not affect your insurance due to the fact that it was not a movingviolations.

How does a domestic violence charge affect your nursing career?

Since Nurses are licensed by the state a felony conviction could affect your lecensure. For the "official" answer to your question you need to contact your state Board of Nursing.

Can illegal alien married to US citizen be deported for possession marijuana?

Of course! Being married does not affect one's legal status, even a legal alien can be deported for criminal activity.

Does marijuana affect your triglycerides?


Does marijuana affect you?

Marijuana is a drug. So yes, by definition, it affects you.

How does Marijuana affect the brain?

Marijuana may cause memory loss.

How does marijuana affect the brain of a young person long term or short term?

How does a marijuana affect the brain of the young generation