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Q: Does a salt water sponge decompose?
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Will a quarter decompose faster in salt water or fresh water?

salt water, as the salt water eats away at the coin faster.

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[object Object]

Why does a fish not decompose if salt is added?

Salt dries out the fish. The fish still decomposes but it's much, much slower. Water speeds up the decomposition. Since the fish is now dry because of the salt it doesn't decompose as fast.

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How long does it take for a dish sponge to decompose?

1 year and about 17 days

How does the amount salt affect salt crystal growth?

I think it's because salt dissolves better in hot water than cold water, so as the solution cools the salt wants to come out of solution and crystallize. When you pour the solution over the sponge, this causes the liquid to evaporate. This further concentrates the salt so that it will crystallize. The salt crystals will start to form on undissolved salt or on the sponge. Once the crystals start forming, they grow fairly rapidly...

How does salt affect crystals?

I think it's because salt dissolves better in hot water than cold water, so as the solution cools the salt wants to come out of solution and crystallize. When you pour the solution over the sponge, this causes the liquid to evaporate. This further concentrates the salt so that it will crystallize. The salt crystals will start to form on undissolved salt or on the sponge. Once the crystals start forming, they grow fairly rapidly...

Can you electrically decompose a salt in its dry state?

It is impossible.

How do you make calcium soap?

First, I choose an oil and then make a sodium soap in ethanol. Finally, I decompose it in water with an excess of a calcium salt.

How does water enter the body of a sponge?

When a sponge is submerged in water, the water enters the sponge through the tiny holes in the sponge. The sponge fills up with water, as a balloon fills with air, only not as visibly. When you squeeze the sponge, the water exits that sponge through the tiny holes...exactly the opposite of how it entered! Tada! :)

How does sponge hold water?

a sponge holds water because of its holes

What is full of holes but can carry water?

A sponge is something that has allot of holes, but can still hold/soak up water.