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Q: Does a slight drop in BBT 98.81 to 98.42 if your period is three days late mean anything like an impending period or should you not rely on this?
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If you get pregnant 4 days before your period do you still get your period?

theoretically no, but there CAN be a slight bleeding.

You are getting pain after your period what is this?

Many females get slight pain after their period. This pain could be a reaction to the hormones in your system.

Does a slight pink liquid type fluid mean your starting your period?

Sounds like it to me

At what body temperature should you go to the hospital?

103 is the temperature you should see a doctor at.

Why do my breasts get bigger before I start my period?

Before a woman's period, she will retain water. That will cause a temporary slight increase in breast size.

If you have dizziness lightheadedness tired and slight slight nausea I am due for my period today or tomorrow actually could I be pregnant?

Wait until after your period is due bc its too early to tell since pregnancy symptoms and menstruation symptoms are very similar.

Is is possible to have a period followed by very light spotting during pregnancy?

Typically women that experience a "period" during pregnancy really only have slight bleeding with implantation. This is called implantation spotting. If you have confirmed you are pregnant, you should see a doctor for any bleeding.

How much bleeding is normal after having laparscopic surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. I had slight spotting at first but now it seems like a period?

No one here can give you the best answer for that. You should call your doctor!

Im having slight period pains can you still be pregnant?

Yes you can be pregnant, i had mild period like cramping when i fell pregnant with my 3 kids.

Does getting your period hurt?

of course not you might have slight cramping in your abdominal area but that's just a slight annoyance it feels weird tho when you've been sitting down for awhile and then stand up. the night before i got my period, i was feeling SO crampy, but i ended out ok. also, when my friend got hers, she didn't even see it coming or feel anything. but, if you do have bad cramps, motron a few times a day will help a LOT.

Im due on 24th of may till date there no sign of period you just have very slight vomating tendency when you should take the home pregnancy test pls advice?

14 days after the intercourse

Does texting kill your brain cells?

no, well not enough to make the slight difference to anything ever.