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No. All snakes reproduce sexually. Most of them lay eggs, but a few give live birth.

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Q: Does a snake organism carry both sexual and asexual reproduction?
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Which organs carry out reproduction?

all organisms carry out reproduction but it depends on the type of reproduction, asexual reproductino or sexual reproduction, and or if its in a eukaryotic are prokaryotic cell or organism.

What is the difference in the reproduction of hydras and mammals?

hydras carry out asexual reproduction (binary fission) whereas mammals carry out sexual reproduction (mating)

Does a fish carry out both sexual and asexual reproduction?

Yes, fish reproduce sexually.

What are the good result of asexual reproduction?

What is as a result of a new organism develops that has its own unique identity?

An organism is any living things.It must grow, develop, reproduce, maintain homeostasis,have adaptation.Overall, a living thing is a body made up of organs, organelles, or other parts that work together to carry on the various processes of life.

Some organisms usually reproduce asexually but resort to sexual reproduction to?

To carry on the species. When environment does not favor the organism it has to do so.

Does a dog carry out asexual reproduction?

No, dogs reproduce sexually.

What does asexual reproduction result in?

asexual reproduction is the ability to reproduce without a mate this means that when there are certain enviromental factors constricting the population one organism can carry on the species alone.

How do whiptail lizards carry out asexual reproduction?

they combine their genes through their skin

What are advantages of asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction generates offspring that are genetically identical to a single parent. Asexual reproduction allows the organisms to reproduce very quickly. Asexual reproducers do not have to carry their offspring for a long amount of time and produce more than one at a time. Asexual reproducers do not have to spend time looking for a mate.

What advantages does asexual reproduction have?

asexual reproduction ensures that there are very little changes, that way if an original specimen has favorable traits, then the traits will carry on to the replicate. Worms are good examples of these.

How are sexual and asexual reproduction similar how do they differ?

Normal (Sexual) Reproduction takes Two participants, a Male and a Female. A Female to Carry the eggs, and a Male to fertilise them.Asexual Requires only one individual, most likely a Female, Who both caries and fertilises the eggs.