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Q: Does a tsunami travel radially outward from its epicenter?
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What waves are that travel outward from the epicenter are called?

P waves

The speed and direction a rocket must travel to break away from a planet's gravitational pull is called?

To escape the gravitation pull of an object you must travel at or in excess of the escape velocity. The direction of the escape velocity is always radially outward from the center of the object.

What are seismic waves that reach the earths surface and travel outward?

the one with the most damege is the surface wave because they are on the surface of earth. but p-waves are the second and s-waves are the third

What happens to seismic waves as they travel out from the epicenter?

They get weaker as they travel out from the epicentre

In which direction do seismic waves travel from their point of origin?

Radially, that is in every direction.

Photons travel outward from a light source in?

the photons travel outward from a light source in all directions.

Photons travel outward from a light bulb in?

Photons travel outward from a light bulb in all directions

How do photons travel outward from a light bulb?

Photons travel outward from a light bulb in all directions.

What is an epicenter and how do shockwaves produced an earthquake travel?

The epicenter is directly above the point where an earthquake originated. Shock waves are produced and propagate spherically along the epicenter.

What is a travel-time curve used for?

To measure the distance from the epicenter.

What direcstion does light travel?

Outward from the source.

A travel-time graph can be used to find?

the distance from a epicenter to an earthquake :)