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It is impossible.the whale tongue can weight some in 10-30 tonnes.maxximum

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Q: Does a whales tongue weigh 4 tons?
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Can a blue whale's tongue weigh 4 tons?

A blue whales tongue weight approximately 3 metric tons. The length of the skull on an average is around 19 feet and so the tongue can be around the same size. Its mouth is large enough to hold 90 metric tons of food and water.

Can a blue whales tongue weigh up to 4 tons?

A blue whales tongue weight approximately 3 metric tons. The length of the skull on an average is around 19 feet and so the tongue can be around the same size. Its mouth is large enough to hold 90 metric tons of food and water.

Do killer whales weigh 10 ton?

Technically yes as Males weigh seven to ten tons. Where as females weigh 4 to 6 tons.They can weigh 10 tonnes. However, this is only for matured male whales. The largest recorded orca was a male one which weighed 22,000 pounds or 11 short tons.

What is a baby blue whales height?

Varying at what phase but a new born can weigh up to 5 tons. The average weight is usually 2.5-4 tons. At 8 months, they weigh around 22 tons alone.

How much can baby whales weight?

About 15 to 35 lbs

What is the weight of an average killer whale?

The average weight of a killer whale is about 9 tons. ... Although they can weigh asmuch as 18000 pounds and grow up to be 32 feet, they are very athletic.

What do whales weigh in pounds?

According to NOAA:Males can weigh up to 22,000 pounds (10,000 kg)Females can weigh up to 16,500 pounds (7,500 kg)Male killer whales tend to weigh over 6 tons (12,000 lbs.) Female killer whales tend to weigh 3-4 tons (6,000-8,000 lbs.)Orcas can weigh up to 5 tons to 7 tonsmales can weigh from 10-11 tons and females can weigh from 7-8 tons.

Mass of a blue whale?

The newborn blue whale calf weighs about 2.5 metric tons (2.8 short tons) and is around 7 metres (23 ft) in length. A newborn sperm whale calf is about 13 feet (4 m) long and weighs about 1 ton (0.9 tonnes).

Weight and length of baby whale?

This depends on what species as they weigh different and measure differently. Blue Whales can grow up to 19ft at birth and weigh around 4 tons. Whereas dwarf sperm whale can only grow to nearly 4 feet and weigh around 90 pounds..

How much do female pygmy killer whales weigh?

Female Pygmy Whales Weigh almost as much as males, males weigh 1,000 while the female weighs about 900 Lefronz

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4 tons.

What did a fully grown maiasaura weigh?

4 tons