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Yes. Its energy storage; thermal insulation; heat production by brown fat; protective cushion for some organs such as kidneys and eyes; filling space, shaping body

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Q: Does adipose support and protect the kidneys?
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Which connective tissue stores triglycerides and provides cushioning and support for organs?

adipose tissue

What usually attaches the kidneys to the retroperitoneum?

The adipose capsule attaches the kidneys to the retroperitoneum. It is also known as the perinephric fat or perineal fat.

What is adipose capsule in the kidney and its function?

The adipose capsule helps hold the kidney in place against the posterior abdominal wall and cushions the kidneys against external blows

What is the tissue called that covers the kidneys?

The tissue that covers the kidneys is a connective tissue. There are actually three layers of tissue that covers the kidneys, the renal fascia, adipose capsule, and renal capsule.

Would epithelial or connective tissue be best to cushion the kidneys against a blow?

Adipose tissue. However the kidneys are made up of epithelial tissue

The crescent of fat that helps to support the kidney?

adipose capsule

What are two similarities between cartilage and adipose tissue?

Both adipose and bone are connective tissues and both are responsible for for support and protection.

What contains abundant adipose tissue?

Adipose tissue is also called fat tissue. It is found under the skin, around organs such as the eyes and kidneys, on the surface of the heart, around certain joints, and in some abdominal members as an "apron" over the abdominal organs. Your skin has three layers. Epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. Adipose tissue is in the hypodermis.

What holds the kidneys in place?

your ribs ^^ Actually, it's your adipose tissue that is holding the kidneys in place. The kidneys are below the ribs.

What is the function of fatty tissue in the eye?

Adipose tissue in the orbit of the eye is to give shape and to cushion. Adipose tissue keeps visceral organs in position. It forms shock-absorbing cushions around kidneys and eyeballs.

What support the kidneys provides for cells?

Cellular wastes are removed by your kidneys.

What are the layers of the kidneys?

layers that protect your kidney