

Does an Adipose fat cell absorb fat?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Yes, that is the job of a fat cell. It is designed to store fat that is called adipose.

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Why us there a large white area in an adipose cell?

Because it adipose cells stores fat meaning lipids. When the cell stores more fat, the nucleus is pushed away to the side of the cell near the cell membrane which gives the the cells a whitish look.

Which tissue that stores fat in our body?

Adipose (fat) tissue. Fat can also be deposited in muscle; with a disease such as muscular dystrophy or on organs like the liver with liver damage. There is a type of fat (brown) which exists on or around internal organs, and subcutaneous fat which is underneath the the out layers of skin.

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fat tissue or adipose tissue

Adipose means pertaining to?

Adipose is fat.

What is an adipocyte?

An adipocyte is a type of cell, present in adipose tissue, where fat is stored as a source of energy.

Why are adipose cells called signet ring cells?

Due to accumulation of fat particles in the cytoplasm, the nucleus of the adipose cell moves towards the cell membrane giving a look alike ring. Thus adipose cells are also called signet ring cells.

What does the adipose pertains to?

Adipose tissue is the body's fat!

What kind of cells store fats?

an 'Adipocyte' (fat cell), sometimes simply called adipose, are cells that specialise in fat storage. adipose tissue is a mainly made up of adipocytes. that is why adipose tissue is often referred to as fatty tissue, because the adipose tissue is made up of adipocytes which have fat stored in them. when you hear the word adipose its generally referring to fat, and remember lipid is another word for fat. eg : if something is lipid soluble, it means that it is fat soluble (able to disolve in fats/lipids). so i believe the answer to your question is adipocytes.

Is fat an adipose tissue?

Yes, adipose tissue is another name for fatty tissue.

Another name for fat?

According to one of my professors, it is adipose tissue. Blubber.

Which type of connective tissue cell has a large vacuole?

The white adipose cells or adipocytes have a large fat vacuole. White adipocytes are found everywhere in the adipose connective tissues.