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Q: Does an apple contain more fiber when it is eaten raw?
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How much fiber does apple contain?

Apple. An apple a day may not keep the doctor entirely away, but apples are nutritious, convenient, and always available. Apples get an A+ in fiber content, since they contain a lot of the soluble fiber, pectin, that helps to lower cholesterol. They also contain some cancer-fighting flavenoids. Eating a whole apple is more nutritious than drinking apple juice, since the fiber, vitamins, and minerals may be processed out of the juices. When the flesh of an apple turns brown, it means some of the nutrients have oxidized and are lost. To get the best that any fruit has to offer, eat it fresh.

Which has more fiber a green apple or a red apple?


Do almonds contain fiber?

Almonds contain a small amount of fiber, but if a person is looking for more fiber in their diet, try to eat more walnuts.

How many times more does a pear have fiber than an apple?

A pear has about 1.25 times the amount of fiber that an apple of the same size would have.

What is the difference between a red apple and a green apple?

green apples contain more soluble fiber, and around .98 grams less sugar than red apples on average.

Which contains more fiber an unpeeled apple or apple juice?

An unpeeled apple because it is natural and the real thing. Apple juice has been processed.

What are sources of fiber?

Raw fruits and vegetables, whole wheat, and other whole grains. In fact, all dietary fiber is found only in plant foods: fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Meat, milk, and eggs do not contain fiber. Canned and frozen fruits and vegetables contain just as much fiber as raw ones. Drying and crushing, however, destroy the water-holding qualities of fiber. Removing seeds, peels, or hulls also reduces fiber content. Whole tomatoes have more fiber than peeled tomatoes, which have more than tomato juice. Likewise, whole wheat bread contains more fiber than white bread.

Why shouldn't ripe fruits be stored with unripe fruits?

Unripe fruits often contain more complex forms of carbohydrates/sugar than what the body should digest. They also contain resistant starches of similar function to the fiber content in ripened fruits, so ripened fruits should have a more tender fiber texture.

Does a pear have more fiber than an apple?

yes, there is fiber in pears. Pears have a great source of fiber actually. It contains about 24% of fiber. Every fruit has fiber or cellulose, even though our bodies cannot digest it is necessary for our diet.

What does anti calories mean?

foods which burn more energy being eaten than they contain. for example celery and cucumber

Where can I find out more about grapefruit nutrition facts?

By going to you will be able to find out nutrition facts on grapefruits and many other fruits! Most fruits dont contain many calories but a grapefruit will help you stay full until your next meal if eaten with another food filled with fiber. Enjoy!

Why does apple juice affect your body similar to how caffeine does?

apples actually contain more caffeine then a coffee bean.