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Q: Does an asterisk go before or after a full stop?
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Should an asterisk go before or after a full stop?

It should go after the full stop.

Does an asterisk go before or after a colon?

Depending on the situation or sentence in which it is used, a colon could go before or after an asterisk.

When you use an asterisk to denote a footnote does a comma go before or after it?

The comma would come after it.

How long do you need to stop at the stop sign before you can go?

As long as it takes to make a full stop and viewing that it is safe to pull out.

Do you put a full stop before or after quotation marks?

In American English, the full stop typically goes inside the quotation marks. In British English, it can go either inside or outside depending on the style guide being followed.

What is the technical name of a star on a keyboard?

An asterisk (*)go back to school...!

Do you need a full stop in brackets?

No. Brackets should be inserted within a sentence, and therefore the full stop should go outside the brackets at the end.

Should it be a full stop before or after brackets?

If the brackets surround an entire sentence then the full stop at the end of the sentence stays within the brackets. (This is the procedure you should follow.)If the brackets only surround part of the sentence, the full stop goes outside. This is the procedure you should follow (under normal circumstances).

How far can a typical horse run at a full gallop before having to stop and rest?

Typically a horse will run for a quarter of a mile at an all out gallop before stopping, they can however with proper training go for up to four miles at a gallop, but it will typically be slower than a full gallop.

What can not go into a Excel workbook file name?

Special characters, such as the asterisk and the question mark.

Are you going to die if you eat a full meal before you go to sleep?

No you are not.

What nicknames does Barry Bonds go by?

Barry Bonds goes by The Asterisk, The Sultan of Shot, and The Hormone King.