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Q: Does an infected internal stitch have an foul smell?
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Is ozone without a smell?

No, it is not. It has a foul and sharp smell.

How do you say foul in french?

foul as in; foul smell: nauseabond, infect, sale foul as in; foul play: jeu deloyal (malveillance)

What rots but does not smell foul?

your attitude

How do you get rid of a foul smell on a cake?

Throw it out?

Why does grass flower smell foul?


Why do rainwater smell so foul?

It doesn't smell foul, it's probably just the water off the road/tiles/floor. It depends where you are. Rain on grass doesn't smell the same as rain on the road...

What is the term for the movement of a foul smell?

Diffusion I think?

In the book seekers the quest begins why does Tobi smell rotten?

Tobi smells rotten because he is infected with a disease called Pox. This disease causes his flesh to decay, resulting in a foul odor.

Another word for a bad smell?

Bad odor, rotten smell, foul smelling, malodorous

How do skunks make that foul smell?

cause i don't know

What is a red highly reactive element with a foul smell?


Why do hogs have a strong scent?

it helps them to detect foul smell such as poisons and they also smell you to always know that it is you