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Q: Why does grass flower smell foul?
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Related questions

What does a flower smell like?

a plant; grass.

Why do rainwater smell so foul?

It doesn't smell foul, it's probably just the water off the road/tiles/floor. It depends where you are. Rain on grass doesn't smell the same as rain on the road...

Why grass flower smell nice?

no they don't smell

What does dew smell?

The smell of dew depends on the surroundings, or environment, of where the dew is located. If the dew is on a blade of grass, it may smell like grass. If it is on a petal of a flower, it may smell like the flower, or its pollen. All in all, dew usually smells like water, since it technically is water.

What flower smells like skunk smell?

Skunk cabbage flowers smell much like rotting meat or skunk smell. Other foul smelling flowers are crown imperials and roadkill skunk.

How do you create a flower on doodle god?

Grass and Sun!

Is ozone without a smell?

No, it is not. It has a foul and sharp smell.

How do you say foul in french?

foul as in; foul smell: nauseabond, infect, sale foul as in; foul play: jeu deloyal (malveillance)

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What rots but does not smell foul?

your attitude

What do flowers taste like?

There is more than one type of fruit flower. The most common one is a Maypop flower. It was used in the old days as jelly, and medicine. It's known to taste and smell quite foul.

What do Fruit Flowers taste like?

There is more than one type of fruit flower. The most common one is a Maypop flower. It was used in the old days as jelly, and medicine. It's known to taste and smell quite foul.