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An invisible fence collar will work in another yard that has an invisible fence so long as the other yard is equipped with an invisible fence of the same brand. Since each brand works differently, the brand you are using may not work in a friend's yard.

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Q: Does an invisible fence collar work in another yard with a invisible fence?
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How does a invisible fence work?

there is a cable line underground, and when the animal passes the cable the animals collar is triggered and shocks the pet. I don't know if I'm wrong, but I think that's how it works.

How does an invisible dog fence work?

it shocks dogs when they get near and is safe

What if your dog is scared of playing in the yard with invisible fence?

Give it time. Time will eventually work.

Can you use the invisible fence on horses?

I'm sure you could but I don't think they would like it much since they are probably not used to being without fencing, and if they see that they are free-range, then they will probably be excited and when they run into a shock when they hit the invisible fence they will be very upset and surprised. I use a Zareba electric fences for horses. They are known to be the best in the industry for electric fences.

Can a husky live in an open backyard without a fence?

Maybe If u give him a shock collar. I personally dont like them but it might work

How does a invisible dog fence work?

It is meant to keep your pet in the yard. It may startle or buzz the dog to let him know he's gone too far.

How does an underground pet fence work?

How an invisible fence works is when the dog steps past set set perimeter, he receives a tone and then stimulation. If taught properly, the dog will associate the tone with the stimulation and will not cross the boundary. To start, before turning the fence on, the dog should wear the collar for a minimum of 3 days to get used to the feeling of wearing the collar. Continue to use other normal collars during this time. Make sure the perimeter is visible with colored flags. After the introduction of the collar with no stimulation, you can proceed with a pinch collar or correction collar (slip chain, nylon slip) and walk the dog around the perimeter while the fence is turned off. When he crosses the flagged boundary, give him a correction. After training the dog with the pinch collar or slip, turn the fence on. Walk the dog around the perimeter. When the dog gets near the boundary, you will hear an audible tone before the stimulation starts. You can correct with the tone or you can let the dog feel the stimulation, your choice. After the stimulation, walk the dog away from the boundary and continue to do the same all around the boundaries. Then do the same with a longer leash to see if he has learned from the training. The main goal is to have the dog learn from the tone, not the stimulation. If he has not, repeat the step with the shorter lead and walk the perimeter again, giving a correction when he gets too close or let him feel the stimulation. Repeat this until you feel comfortable that your dog is aware of the fence and its effect. Once the dog has shown he understands where the boundaries are, and what the tone means, he will no longer need to be on a leash. This may take a few hours, a few days, this may take a week. Be patient and good luck.

How does an Underground Fence work?

An underground wire along a boundary carries a radio signal that will transmit a warning message to an creature wearing a collar that corresponds to the radio signal if he encounters that boundary. If that animal or human proceeds to cross the fence, then an electric shock may be administered.

Is a police officer a blue collar worker or a white collar worker?

Most are white collar (those that work in office buildings and do not get their hands dirty at work).

Are teachers blue or white collar workers?

white collar-----> blue collar is labor work

How does an anti-barking collar work?

Anti barking collars work by emitting a frequency that is disturbing to the dog that corrects their actions. These devices are attuned to the dog that is wearing the collar, so another dog's barking won't affect the dog wearing the device.

Is a baker a blue or white collar job?

Probably a blue collar one because they work mainly with their hands. Probably a blue collar one because they work mainly with their hands. Probably a blue collar one because they work mainly with their hands.