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yes, it does. the mold grown is mucoralean mold

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Q: Does any one mold form on different types of bread such as whole wheat and whole grain and white or french bread?
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What are different types of breads?

If you are asking what types of breads there are, then there are many different types, shapes, and sizes. Then there are the different countries that make bread differently. The most common kinds of bread are: rye, wheat, white, whole meal or whole wheat bead, mixed grain, sourdough, bagel, and gluetin free bread.

Where is gluten bread nationally from?

Gluten bread is not "from" any specific nationality or culture. Many different nationalities from many parts of the world make different types of bread from different types of grain, most of which contain some gluten. Wheat perhaps is the most common flour used to make bread, which does contain gluten.

What types of bread do US people eat usually what types of bread do french people eat what types of bread do Africain people eat?

I only know that French people eat french bread and croissants ..... that's it.

What are the types of bread?

There are several types of bread that include yeast breads and flat breads. Other types of bread includes wheat breads, white breads, and whole grain breads.

What are the four different types of convenience breads?

1. Damper Flatbread 2. Focaccia French bread 3. Indian bread 4. Sourdough

What is wheat barly?

Barley bread is a kind of bread that you can make things out of the kind of things are cakes cup cakes and that other stuff

How many different breads are there for chickens?

There are various types of bread suitable for chickens, but the most common ones include wheat bread, grain bread, cornbread, and millet bread. It is important to feed chickens bread in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

What types of bread are eaten in Portugal?

Bread is a very important subject to Portuguese people. You will find an unusual diversity of breads in Portugal specially when compared with other European countries. Shapes, cereal grain used, mixtures, etc are so diverse that you will always find the perfect bread for any occasion on a simple Portuguese supermarket. We can categorize bread within their grain cereal. So in general you will have:- Pão Branco (literally White Bread) which is made with wheat cereal but only a part of the grain is used, thus a nutritional part is lost, but in the other end its a very easily digestive type of bread.- Pão de Mistura (literally Mixed Bread) which is made or with a mixture of cereal grains or with a mixture of the same cereal grain but with different amounts of all grain and refined grain.- Pão Integral (Literally Integral Bread) which is made with all grain.- Pão de Milho (Cornbread) which is made with corn grain.All this types of bread are then cooked in different ways (wood oven, industrial oven, etc.), and with different techniques and with different shapes which will result in different taste breads. Its also very common to see bread with olives on it or spices or even chorizo.Some of the most common breads are known as Broa, Carcaça, Bola, Cacete, Pão Saloio and Pão Alentejano.

What are the two different types of grain grown in African savannas?

millet and another grain

What are the types of french bread?

im do ing it fore a prodject

What types of mold grow on french bread?

green mold

Is white rice a whole grain or a non whole grain?

usually whole grain but you do get different types of rice