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Yes, the farmers who clear-cut the forest gain fertile land to grow crops to sell and earn an income from. However, the soil loses nutrients rapidly in this system so after a couple years the farmer has to move on to a new patch of land.

Also, the logging companies that harvest standing timber from the forest earn a profit from selling the lumbar. They often employ local citizens who then have a steady income to support their families.

The challenge is that both of the above benefits are limited to a select group (the farmers and the logging companies) while the large-scale destruction of the rainforest is beginning to affect climate around the world. However, in those local communities farming or logging may be the only way for the local population to make a living and support their families.

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Q: Does anyone benefit from the destruction of the amazon tropical rainforest?
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Is the Amazon rainforest a tropical rainforest?

YES, the Amazon rainforest is a tropical rainforest. If you had been bothered to research it would probably have said that in most websites and books!

Is amazon rainforest tropical rainforest?

Of course. It`s the largest tropical rainforest on Earth.

Does anyone benefit from the destruction of the amazon tropical rain forest?

Many people benefit including you and I. Without the Amazon rainforest we would have no paper and some foods would never have been discovered. All you have to do is breathe to feel the benefits of the rainforest as it produces 20% of the world's oxygen. However if deforestation continues, then we will lose a natural beauty and also 20% of the world's oxygen.

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No. It's a tropical rainforest.

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The amazon rainforest is the biggestThe amazon rainforest is the biggest

What type of biome is the Amazon rainforest?

yes you got the right concept it the amazon rainforest is a rainforest biome