

Does anyone have a rare penguins from Club Penguin?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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You become one by making a CP blog or collect rare stuff.

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Q: Does anyone have a rare penguins from Club Penguin?
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Why do people on Club Penguin hack famous penguins?

because they are so famous and are rare penguins to have.

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How does Club Penguin have ideas and i mean how does Club Penguin have ideas for rare penguins and penguin styles and new parties?

Well at the Club Penguin HQ, They hold a meeting to discuss ideas for the future

Who is helenac on club penguin i saw her the other day and loads of penguins were asking her too add her who is she?

Shes a very rare penguin, she has a you tube channel and her channels called helena513 shes about 1104 days old on Club penguin and one of the rarest female penguins on there hope this helps

What do rare penguins do on Club Penguin?

Rare penguins on Club Penguin probably visit it only a few times in a year, mostly to just check what's going on, or to collect new items. A rare penguin accounts are often traded or given for free, therefore, the new owner of the account will usually show-off his account and enjoy it as much as he can (which, after he has enough of it, will result in passing the account on to another person).

You are rare in club penguin if you have 700 days old?

Well Im a 720 day old penguin so far and Im a member! People consider me rare but really rare penguins are betas! Hope I helped! ~Sasha9184~

Is the safari hat in Club Penguin rare?

Well,that depends, what if it just came out again but you don't know? People (or penguins) wouldn't think of it as rare anymore ;P

What are some club penguin codes that are rare?

code for club penguin rare codes hah! i got a beyblade in club penguin the code is hw10cg132

Does anyone have a really rare membership from club penguin?

You shouldn't ask for other people's account informations.

How do you make a rare account on clubpenguin?

You can't really MAKE a rare club penguin account, you have to have a club penguin account for a long time to gather items that might not appear again in club penguin and then you can brag to people about how you are a such a RARE penguin.Rare Accounts on Club PenguinSweetie, you don't make a rare account on Club Penguin, you need to EARN that. A rare account on a website is an account that has been on that website for the very beginning. Club Penguin started in 2005, so if someone were to join in 2005, they would be considered rare. If you want to be rare, you needed to join between the years 2005 and 2008. Rare penguins also have rare clothes that you cant find anywhere else in Club Penguin. I joined in 2008 as my username lala11103, but sadly, my account got banned forever because someone hacked me. I made a new account with the username laurlaur1111. I have been playing on laurlaur1111 for a year, and so what if you're not rare? You'll still have fun!- Liz_pop

Where is the Hawaiian lei in Club Penguin?

So you wanna know where to get the Hawaiian Lei It Is An extremely rare item and may never return again But according to the club penguin magazine It May return Again During the summer which will anger Many rare penguins who have it. I Hope it returns too hope it helped :)

How do you make your penguin a rare penguin on Club Penguin?

You wait and collect items.