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Arche bacteria are prokariyotic.They do not have a nucleus.

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Q: Does archeabacteria have a nucleus
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Is prokaryotes a archeabacteria?

Archebacteria are prokaryotic organisms. So they do not have nucleus.

What are organsims that do not have a nucleus bounded by a membrane?

They are called prokaryotes. Eubacteria and Archeabacteria.

Is archeabacteria prokaryotic?

Well, Prokaryotic Cells do NOT have a nucleus or other organelles. Eukaryotic Cells DO have a nucleus and other Organelles.

Does archeabactirea have a nuclius?

No, archeabacteria don't have a nucleus, at least not one enveloped by a membrane.

Does eubacteria have a nucleus?

Nope and archeabacteria doesn't either.No, the cells of a Eubacteria do not have a nucleus.

What are the kingdoms in archaea?

There in no archaea kingdom. There is such a thing called archeabacteria, but no archeabacteria

How does archeabacteria move?

Archaea bacteria can move using flagella, which are whip-like structures that rotate to propel the cell through its environment. Some archaea species can also move by using pili, which are hair-like appendages that enable them to attach to surfaces and pull themselves along.

What animals are in the archaea kingdom?

There in no archaea kingdom. There is such a thing called archeabacteria, but no archeabacteria

Are bacteria prokaryotes?

Yes, bacteria is prokaryotic because it does not have a nucleus, it does not have membrane covered organelles, and it has circular DNA instead of linear DNA.

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What is kingdom of archeabacteria?

Archeabacteria lives in a kingdom made up of bacteria that live in EXTREME environments

What domain are archeabacteria in?
