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No they say it does but dont because it will not do anything.....if anything it will just kille them faster....i tried it and it did nothing they both looked the same.

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14y ago

Not so sure about asprin, but pennies work too.

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8y ago

Florists recommend florist preservatives. Aspirin has not been proven to keep flowers fresh.

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Q: Does aspirin prolong the life of cut flowers?
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Can you use vinegar to prolong the life of a flower?

Yes, vinegar can be used to prolong the life of a cut flower. Sugar, copper pennies, and aspirin can also be added to the water to help prolong the life of a cut flower. Sugar is the best treatment.

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yes sugar does anybody know if there are any household products that will prolong the life of cut flowers and if so how does it work? multiple answers if possible please!!

What does 7-up do to cut flowers?

Adding 7-Up to the water in a vase of cut flowers is said to prolong the life of cut flowers. The lemon/lime juice in 7-Up lowers the pH level in the water, and cut flowers like a lower pH. Next, the sugar in 7-Up provides a food source for the cut flowers.

What website would you go on to find does sugar prolong with the life of cut flowers?

Try the link below. The research is very good.

Does sugar prolong the life of the cut flowers?

Yes, the sugar will help the flower survive, or pour some clear lemonade into the vase that will also help the life of flowers, this is a trick of the flower trade.

Does vinegar prolong the life of cut flowers?

Use 2 table spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with 1 tea spoon of sugar for each quart of water. Flowers will not tolerate a strong solution of vinegar

Is aspirin made of tree bark?

We always put in ASPIRIN in our cut flowers...or flowers from the garden etc....they seem to last a lot longer and the colors do not fade.

Does aspirin helps flowers live longer?

Aspirin makes the cut flowers bloom very fast but it kills them within a few days and they end up smelling really bad. Plain water preserves the plants longer and a lot better than the little packet that comes with them (the plant food.)

What makes cut flowers live the longest?

just put some sugar in water with the cut flower or put Aspirin in it

Which cut flowers have a short life?

Live cut flowers have a limited life. The majority of cut flowers can be expected to last several days with proper care. Roses and Daisies have a really short life.

Does 7up prolong the life of cut flowers?

Yes. The lemon/lime juice in 7UP reduces the pH level in the water, and the sugar in 7UP provides nutrients for the cut flowers. Basically, any lemon/lime soda will do the trick. It doesn't matter if the soda is fresh or flat since carbonation is not a factor.