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Q: Does bcc is aware of bcc recipients?
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Do those that have been Bcc answer to those that have been sent as addressees in the email?

If an email is sent to a user using 'BCC' that user can see the addresses of other recipients who were not sent as 'BCC'. However, none of those that received the email can see any of the 'BCC' recipients, and thus cannot respond to them.

Bcc in a mail is?

A BCC (blind carbon copy) is a copy of an email message sent to a recipient whose email address does not appear in the message. This is in contrast to To and CC recipients, whose addresses do appear in the respective header lines. Every recipient of the message can see all the To and CC recipients, but does not know about BCC recipients.

What does Bc stand for in an email?

I believe you mean BCC, it stands for Blind Carbon Copy. When the recipients are in the BCC field, they can't see the other recipients.Addendum:The above is pretty close to being correct. CC (and the CC of BCC) actually stands for the plural "copies," just as the doubled letter "pp" in a source reference stands for "pages." Also, it is the BCC recipients whose names are not seen by anyone else; the CC recipients can be seen.

How can you see Bcc in received email?

You can't see them.... the B in BCC stands for Blind.... the recipients are not able to see who else is receiving the message.

What are advantages to using Bcc and cc?

BCC is the same as CC, except that the BCC field isn't public. An email sent to you via BCC will look as if it was sent normally and magically ended up in your inbox. This is handy for mailing lists, as you could send an email to yourself or nobody and have all of the recipients in the BCC field, protecting their privacy.

Does it matter which one of the Cc or Bcc fields I use to enter the email addresses of additional recipients?

BCC means blind courtesy copy the main recipient will not see the other email addresses.

When to use Bcc in email?

Using BCC protects your recipients' private email addresses from being spread to strangers (from being released into the public domain.)Using BCC helps prevent SPAM.When using BCC, messages are easier on your readers because the messages contain less text to sift through. The cleaner the message, the easier it is to read.Because the messages contain less text, they're smaller and require less bandwidth. They will download faster.Using BCC shows your consideration of others by not publishing hundreds of your contacts to strangers.

What does Bcc mean on emails?

Assuming you meant BCC not BBC - It stands for 'Blind Carbon Copy'. It's a method of sending the same email to more than one person - without each recipient knowing who else is getting it. Each person only sees their name on the email.

Advantages of using Bcc over carbon copy?

When sending emails a blind carbon copy (BCC) is an email copy that is forwarded on to someone without leaving any visible traces of that recipient for the normal recipients to see. A carbon copy (CC) will however, show up for the normal recipients. Basically the BCC line showing email addresses that one is forwarding a message to is stripped out of all the outgoing messages.

What do cc and bcc mean?

Cc stands for carbon copy which means that whose address appears after the Cc: header would receive a copy of the message. Also, the Cc header would also appear inside the header of the received message.Bcc stands for blind carbon copy which is similar to that of Cc except that the Email address of the recipients specified in this field do not appear in the received message header and the recipients in the To or Cc fields will not know that a copy sent to these address.

What are the drawbacks to putting the email addresses of all recipients in the To line?

One drawback is that everyone who receives the email will know the email address of everyone else. You can preserve privacy by using BCC or 'blind copy'. Any address in the BCC will be hidden.

How can you send a bulk email without everyone seeing who gets the email?

Use the "bc" or "bcc" feature otherwise known as blind copy (you have the options of using "to", "cc" (carbon-copy), or bcc (blind copy or blind carbon copy) when sending emails. People will only see that the email was sent to "undisclosed recipients" if you use bc or bcc.