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Beg and sled do have the same exact vowel as hen. The vowel shared by beg, sled, and hen is E.

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Q: Does beg and sled have the same vowel as hen?
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Is the word hen a long vowel or a short vowel word?

The e in hen is a short vowel.

Does the word when have a short vowel?

Yes, that's a short vowel, like hen, pen, then, when, Ben.

Are seal and hen short e sounds?

Short vowel seal

Is a rooster and a hen the same?

A rooster is the male and the hen is the female .

Does hen have a short e vowel sound?

Yes. The E is a short E sound as in hem and men.

What words have the same vowel sound as head?

The EA pair in head have a short E sound as in hen and fed, to rhyme with bread and dead. The short E sound is also in words including: E words - red, led, beg, men, get, dent, neck, yell, sex E words - end, ebb, edit UE words - guess, guest AI words - said, again

Does the word men have a short vowel sound?

Yes. It is a short E sound as in met and hen. It rhymes with the words den, pen, and then.

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How did God have a kid?

the same why we hen made the earth

Is a duck the same as a marsh hen?

No, they are not. A marsh hen does not have webbed feet or a rounded bill. Some people alre refer to coots as a mud or marsh hen and they are separate as well.

Does a cat and a hen reproduce in the same way?

No. A hen lays eggs and hatches them; a cat's kittens are born live. And the hen's chicks have to forage for food, guided by the hen, immediately they are born, while a kitten is fed initially by means of milk that the mother cat secretes.

What is the difference between a cock and a hen Linnet?

A hen is female and a cockerel is a young male.