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Q: Does binary ionic compounds share electrons?
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Do binary ionic compounds have bonds that share two valence electrons?

No. Ionic compounds are held together by ionic bonds.

Do ionic compounds share electrons?

No they do not, electrons are transferred between atoms

Are compounds or salt formed when electrons share?

Sodium chloride is an ionic compound, no electrons shared.

Does bromine lose or share electrons in compounds?

Both. Bromine gains one electron in ionic compounds. Bromine will share electron in covalent compounds.

How does atoms combine to form ionic compounds?

They share their electrons to become stable.

Which qualities can be used to identify binary covalent compounds?

apex Compounds made from two nonmetals Sharing of electrons

Is an ionic bond is a shared pair of electrons?

No. Ionic compounds are not made by sharing electrons. Those would be covalent compounds. Ionic compounds are made when one atom donates an electron(s), and the other atoms takes the electron(s).

Why are electrons shared in molecular compounds?

The sharing of electrons is what makes them molecular compounds. If they didn't share, then they would be ionic compounds. So, depending on what atoms or elements are bonding together, you will have sharing or not. Whether they share or not is more complicated, but has to do with electronegativity and electron configurations.

What are the covalent compounds?

Covalent compounds share electronsCovalent compounds are neutralB.The compounds share electrons.C.The compounds show no charge.D.The compounds are named with Greek prefixes.

What are the two major types of compounds?

There are two types of compounds: molecular and ionic. ill give you an example of each Water-H20 molecular compound Salt-NaCl ionic compoundThere are ionic compounds which is a compound formed by a positive metal ion and a negative nonmetal ion. And there are convalent compounds which is a compound formed in which atoms share electrons.

What is the differnece between an ionic compound and a covolant compound?

In an ionic compound, atoms transfer electrons from one to the other, creating oppositely charged ions. The ionic bond is an electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions. Ionic compounds tend to form between metals and nonmetals. In covalent compounds, atoms share electrons. Most covalent compounds form between nonmetals.

The difference between ionic compounds and covalent compounds?

An ionic bond is when one or more electrons are transfered from one atom to another. A covalent bond is when atoms share one or more electrons. The atom Hydrogen would need only 2 electrons but most need 8.