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If a woman's cervix bleeds with minimal contact, it may be a sign of chlamydia. Bleeding or spotting after a pap smear isn't necessarily a sign of chlamydia. Since you're concerned, contact your health care provider to make sure you were tested for chlamydia at the time of the pap smear.

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Q: Does bleeding after a pap smear mean chlamydia?
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Related questions

What does blood in your pap smear mean?

It's not unusual for women to have a small amount of bleeding with their pap smear. On its own, blood in the pap smear has no clinical significance.

Can a Pap smear detect chlamydia?

Pap smears can't detect chlamydia, and a normal Pap doesn't mean you don't have chlamydia. A pap smear looks for cervical cancer and precancerous problems. If you need testing for chlamydia, ask for the test by name.

How do you get the results of a chlamydia test?

To get chlamydia test results, contact the health care provider that did the test.

What would Cause bleeding after Pap smear?

Bleeding after a pap smear test is normal because they are scraping skin off the sensitive cervix

How can you have four years of normal pap tests and this one comes back positive for chlamydia?

A pap smear does not detect chlamydia. A pap smear can not detect chlamydia, and a negative Pap smear does not indicate that you don't have chlamydia. So, yes, it's possible to have a Pap test for four years and not know you have chlamydia if your health care provider didn't do a specific test for chlamydia. Did your health care provider actually test for chlamydia in the prior four years? First check with your health care provider, and then you can try to figure out how you might have contracted it, if in fact you had a negative test as soon as a year ago.

When is the best time in your cycle to have a pap smear?

Getting a pap smear right between periods is easiest and most comfortable. You can get a pap smear anytime you're not bleeding heavily, though.

Can chlamydia cause an abnormal pap smear when you have no reproductive organs?

Chlamydia infection of the cervix could cause a pap smear with inflammation or other minor abnormalities, but not serious abnormal results. But if you have no reproductive organs, what body part is being examined with the Pap smear? Your question doesn't make sense. Please contact your health care provider to clarify what testing you have had done.

What does the medical Abbreviation pap mean?

Papanicolaou smear is Pap

Can your period make your pap smear come back not right?

If you had heavy bleeding at the time of your pap smear, the lab may advise that the cells were partially obscured. The bleeding won't cause a seriously abnormal pap. Talk with your health care provider about your pap results and recommended follow-up.

I'm 12 weeks pregnant and had a pap smear then started bleeding What is wrong?

Spotting after a pap smear is common, particularly during pregnancy. All bleeding during pregnancy should be discussed with your health care provider.

Can a pap smear stop you from conceiving?

A pap smear does not affect your fertility. You are as likely to get pregnant after a pap smear as you are before a pap smear.

What is htb mean in a pap smear?

what is HTB with Pap,and celula,negative.