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Q: Does boys have higher reation rates than girls?
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Why are new driver insurance rates so much higher for boys than for girls?

Driver insurance rates are higher for boys than for girls because it has been proven statistically that boys are more likely to get into car accidents than girls.

Do boys or girls have higher resting heart rates?

Girls do. Boys have slightly larger hearts, chests, and lungs which make breathing for them a little better. That why the can run faster and longer than girls.

Do girls in basketball have a higher risk of getting a concussion than boys?

Anyone, boy or girl is able to get a concussion. However, girls have a higher risk than boys.

Differences in rates of development between boys and girls are most noticeable between ages?

yes they are,,

How are girls discriminated against in India?

The two main inequalities in India are health and education. Girls are given less food and poorer quality of food than boys, which leads to health problems. Girls are often deprived of their right to education and, if they are in school, the drop out rates are higher for girls than for boys. A male child's birth is celebrated while a female child's birth is considered a burden. Girls spend more time on domestic work than boys do.

Are girls supposed to be fat?

Overweight no, higher percentage then boys-yes.

Why are more girls adopted as compared to boys?

There are many possibilities to this. In some areas of the world, many people consider a baby boy much more valueble then a baby girl, thus the baby girls get dropped of at orphanages and since there are more of them there will be more of them adopted. Another reason probablly is that all the bad statistics for boys are higher. Boys have higher crime rates, lower grades, more dropouts, more mentally ill, and boys tend to be more violent than girls. But the biggest reason is probablly just personal preference as many poeple consider little girls sweeter than little boys. ~DHouston

Should boys and girls pay the same insurance price?

Insurance rates are based on statistics. Boys have more accidents then girls, so they pay higher insurance rates. Because they are statistically WAY WAY WAY more likely to be involved in motor vehicle accidents. However, most companies offer a good-grades discount; boys who get good grades in school are less likely to be in accidents and thus often pay less for insurance.

Why do girls have a higher pich voic?

Girls have higher pitched voices than boys because during puberty a boys vocal cords grow more than girls andÊthicken up which causes their voice to change and become deeper.

Are girls better at English?

There is no inherent gender difference in ability to excel at English. Performance in English, or any subject, is influenced by a range of factors such as interest, effort, and support. It is important to avoid stereotypes about gender and academic performance.

Is it possible to start puberty late?

Yes. Boys and girls start puberty at different age rates.

Differences in the rates of development between boys and girls are most noticeable between ages?

8 and 10