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Q: Does caffeine prevent medicine absorption in the human body?
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What is the purpose of aspirin absorption in carbohydrate solution?

To let PH solutions dissolve or absorption faster in the human Gerome or lungs. to prevent from heart attacks and any pain solutions.

Co0mpare how caffeine affects the human bodyto the way this chemical affected a spider?

There are a number of differences between the impact of caffeine on the human body and on the spider's body. Caffeine will energize a human and kill a spider.

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What field of medicine is concerned with the human skin?

Dermatology is the field of medicine concerned with human skin.

Will caffeine in significant dosages kill a human?

Yes. See the link. I was surprised, given the popularity of caffeine drinks.

How does Caffeine effect the human body?

Caffeine is great for concentration, it improves memory. 1-4 cups per day is good.

What is the importance of villi to human being?

Food absorption (small intestines).

Can you use human medicine for my cat?

No, you cannot use human medicine for your cat. It could possibly kill your cat if you do.

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What is the importance of Villi to a human being?

Food absorption (small intestines).