

Does cans melt

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Does cans melt
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What temperature do you need to melt an empty soda can?

As soda cans are made of aluminium, they will melt at 660.37 C

How do you fart so loudly that you can melt a car?

After eating 99,999 cans of beans then scream "ARGHHHHHH" and melt the car.

Will cans crush under the pressure of heat?

no they will melt if it is hot enough

Why do people melt aluminum cans?

I was consideringmelting them to make windmill blades for a generator.

How many cans does it take to melt and make one can?

2 2 2

Will a beer can melt in a wood fire?

No they don't melt in a camp fire. Beer cans are typically aluminum which has a melting point around 1200 degrees fahrenheit. A typical campfire can reach temps around 900 degrees fahrenheit. +++ Aluminium can melt in a wood fire but more commonly the metal oxidises instead. Steel cans won't melt in such a fire, but they oxidise heavily.

Why are cans recyclable?

cause you CAN crush them up into blocks or melt them to turn them into something else

Rats In Pepsi cans?

Yes, it said on the news, that in like 5,000,000 Pepsi cans, there are rats, melted into the cans, because the factory where they make the cans, is infested with rats, so they get into and melt, so if your Pepsi tastes bad, check it, and if there is a rat, sue the Pepsi company!

Why is recycling cans and tins a good thing to do -?

It costs money and energy to extract the raw materials for things like tin cans from the earth. Recycling old cans into new ones (a) means you don't have to mine the raw materials, and (b) uses less energy to melt and re-corm the cans. The raw materials will not be around forever - the more we recycle - the less we have to rely on the earth to provide for us.

How many cans can a cannery can if a cannery can can cans?

can cans

What is the british word for cans?

food cans = tins garbage cans = bins

Can you can cans?

yes you can recycle cans, plastic bottles, and some food cans