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Q: Does carbon dioxide build up in your blood when you hold your breath?
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When you hold your breath for half a minute the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood will?

If you hold your breath, the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood will increase. Carbon dioxide is constantly produced by the body's metabolism, and constantly exhaled. So if it is not exhaled, it will start to build up.

What regulates respiration?

The build up of CO2 ( Carbon Dioxide ) in the blood is what regulates the need to breath in most animals

What is the medical term meaning high blood carbon dioxide levels?

hypercapniaHypercapnia but also known as hypercapnea, hypercarbia,HypercapniaHypercapnia is the medical term meaning high CO2 in the blood.hypercapniahypercapniahypercarbiawhat is excessive carbon dioxide in the blood called? HypercapniahypercapniahypercapniaAn abnormal build-up of carbon dioxide in the blood is hypercapnia.HypercapniaHypercapniaAn abnormal buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood is known as hypercapnia.(high-per-KAP-nee-ah)hyper-means excessive ,capn means carbon dioxide, and -ia means abnormal condition.

What two substances need to be transported out of all kinds of animal cells in order for them to survive?

Animal cells need food (usually glucose), water, oxygen, and raw materials to build and grow the cell. In higher animals, a circulatory system using blood provides these needs, and removes waste materials from the cell.

Why decrease in world's forest contributes to global warming?

Global warming is caused by the build up of carbon dioxide in the air. Trees, along with all pants, take carbon dioxide from the air and turns it into oxygen for us to breath. Less trees equals to less filtering of the air, equals to higher levels of dioxide.

How could cutting down trees lead to the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Because trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and if they cut them down we will have more carbon dioxide.

Why might a person die if they put their heads inside a plastic bag?

They would die from asphyxia due to the build-up of carbon dioxide, and being unable to breath air.

What will build up in your blood if you stop breathing?

When the body stops breathing it dies. This is because no oxygen is able to get in and circulate through the blood.

Increasing blood carbon dioxide levels decreases breathing rate?

Carbon dioxide levels regulate breathing via the chemoreceptors in your brain, carotid arteries, and aorta. As Carbon dioxide levels go up, the pH of the cerbrospinal fluid goes down (becomes acidic) and triggers a reaction by the chemoreceptors in your brain to cause you to breath. Specifically, those receptors are located in the floor of the fourth ventricle (in your brain stem for all intents and purposes). Expelling CO2 by breathing brings your cerebrospinal fluid's pH back down to acceptable levels. The chemoreceptors in your carotid arteries and aorta respond to the partial pressures of CO2 as well as the partial pressure of oxygen. Basically, it also tells you to breath when your CO2 levels get too high. Ultimately, it looks like when you hold your breath and "run out of air", you don't actually run out of oxygen, but you accumulate too much CO2 (after all, we can make ATP without oxygen, it just makes nasty byproducts *muscles -> lactic acid* but if our pH gets too high, we don't have a real good contingency plan for fixing it quickly)

Does photosynthesis need carbon dioxide?

yesIt is the source of carbon. They are used to build glucose molecules

What causes shallow water black out to divers?

I believe shallow water black out in divers is not as common as in Snorkelers or free divers. Shallow water black out happens when the impulse to breath is delayed to the point that you genuinely do run out of oxygen before you need to succomb to the impulse to breath. In an extream case the diver may be totally unaware that they are dangerously depleating their blood oxygen before the carbon dioxide levels increase sufficiently to stimulate them to surface and gasp for air. Low blood Oxygen may lead to the diver passing out - with fatal consequences if thiere swimming or diving partner cant get them to the surface and revive them in time. Its for this reason that snorklers and divers are told not to flush their lungs excessivly by taking many many deep breaths before trying to do some prolonged underwater swimming. It can happen in the case of an excited diver breathing rapidly and then staying relatively stationary and simply forgeting to breath from their aqualung though generally this is less likely. The classic cause is by some one breathing rapidly before a dive to flush carbon dioxide out of their lungs - this is often presented as "storing oxygen" so that they can swim under water for longer - in fact taking a few deep breaths will not significantly increase the amount of Oxygen you store in your blood - it will however flush out relatively more of the Carbon dioxide. Then when swimming you appear to have more air as the impulse to breath is delayed. Infact this isnt because you have more air its because the carbon dioxide in your blood is taking longer to build up. Its Carbon Dioxide that creates the impulse to breath and reminds the diver to surface. and this reflex to the buildup of Carbon Dioxide is independant of the oxygen levels in your blood. It just so happens that if you have too much carbon dioxide - you probably need to breath more oxygen as well.

Why does carbon dioxide moves into red blood cells by diffusion rather than by active transport?

Do you mean why does carbon dioxide diffuse out of the cells into the bloodstream? Diffusion is the movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. Carbon dioxide is present in your body cells at a high concentration because the cells are making it. The process which makes carbon dioxide in cells is respiration. This is the release of energy from food. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of respiration. The carbon dioxide molecules diffuse into the blood because there is a lower concentration in the than in the cells. This is because the blood is always moving, so the carbon dioxide is carried away and does not build up. The difference in concentration between the cells and the blood keeps carbon dioxide diffusing in the correct direction. See: