

Does carbon dioxide or water have higher boiling points?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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i don't know but don't you have a textbook or something

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Q: Does carbon dioxide or water have higher boiling points?
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Do organic compounds have a higher boiling point?

Higher than what? Some organic compounds (e.g. propane, butane) have very very low boiling points making them gases at room temperature. Certain inorganic compounds (e.g. tungsten carbide) have boiling points so high that before those compounds boiled all organic compounds would not only have boiled but would have decomposed into their elements or very simple inorganic carbon compounds (e.g. carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide).

Do stronger intermolecular forces result in higher or lower boiling points?

An intermolecular force has both a boiling point and melting point

Do non-metals have a high boiling point?

Not really, most have low boiling points, except for carbon, for example, which has one of the highest boiling points of any substance at 4827 ºC and Silicon boils at 2355 ºC. Iodine boils at a higher temperature than mercury.

Do nonmetals have higher melting points or lower boiling points?

lower melting points

How does normal boiling points differ from other boiling points of the same liquid?

The normal boiling point is the boiling point at sea level, or more precisely, at 1 atmosphere pressure. At higher elevations, or at lower atmospheric pressures, the boiling point is lower. At higher atmospheric pressures, the boiling point is higher.

Why are the melting and boiling points of air never given?

Air is a mixture; it doesn't have a melting or boiling point. It has a mixture of carbon dioxide, ozone, oxygen, nitrogen, helium, etc. look up those gases separately and you will get answers.

How melting and boiling points are affected by intermolecular forces?

The stronger the intermolecular forces, the higher the melting point and boiling point. The weaker the intermolecular forces, the lower the melting and boiling points are.

Do ionic compounds have lower boiling points than polar covalent?

Ionic compounds have higher boiling points than covalent compounds.

Do small hydrocarbons have with only a few carbon atoms have low or high boiling points?

The lower the carbon chain, the lower the melting point. As the carbon chain gets longer (ie: larger hydrocarbons), the melting point gets higher.

Do isomers boiling points increase or decrease with more branching?

Straight chain isomers have higher boiling points, so the more branched the isomer the lower the boiling point.

Do nonmetals have higher boiling points or lower boiling points?

Non-metals have lower boiling points than metals. A link can be found below.

Hydrocarbon boiling points increase the number of carbon or decrease?

the boiling points decrease on hydrocarbons as the length of the chain and the weight increases. the melting points increase with length and weight increase. Hope this helps.