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it turns into a milky solution

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Q: Does carbon dioxide turn limewater chalky and why?
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Will oxygen turn limewater chalky?

no,it will not. carbon dioxide ill thurn limewater chalky..:)

What causes limewater to turn chalky in the presence of carbon dioxide?


Why does exhaled air turn limewater chalky faster than inhaled water?

carbon dioxide turns lime water chalky. the more carbon dioxide, the faster the limewater turns chalky. Exhaled air contains carbon dioxide waste from the bodies organs, and that's why it contains more carbon dioxide than inhaled air.

Does Carbon dioxide turn to limewater milky?


What would happen if bacteria cells in a petri dish containing limewater?

It will turn cloudy. Bacteria respire, so it will give out carbon dioxide. When limewater is in contact with carbon dioxide, the limewater will turn cloudy.

What is the test for C02?

Limewater. if carbon dioxide is present, limewater will turn milky/cloudy

Does carbon dioxide turn limewater milky?

Yes and it will turn milky

Does nitrogen turn limewater chalky?


Will the carbon dioxide turn colourless solution when the carbon dioxide is passed continuously into limewater?

yes it will.... anyone know why ??? :) no

Does ammonia turn limewater milky?

I don't know , so unless ammonia has carbon dioxide present because limewater only turns milky when carbon dioxide is present

What is limewater element or compound?

Limewater is a solution made of Calcium Hydroxide and water. Calcium Hydroxide is found in things like oyster shells and bird eggs. There are many uses including food preparation, creating paint and topical medicines.

Why would solid calcium hydroxide be used to test for carbon dioxide?

I'm not too sure but: It would turn the limewater 'milky' or chalky: CO2 is bubbled though and solid precipitate of calcium carbonate is formed