

Does cheese have hydrogen

Updated: 12/10/2022
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8y ago

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Yes. Hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements in cheese.

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Q: Does cheese have hydrogen
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What elements are in macoronni and cheese?

primarily carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but other elements and their ratios will depend on your brand of cheese, and how you cook it.

What specific molecule is cheese made of?

The kind of organic compounds in cheese must contain Carbon, and usually contain Hydrogen directly bonded to most of the Carbons.

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Is hydrogen a atom which is alone?

No, hydrogen is a molecule made up of chlorine, lithium, aargon, and borron. It is extremely rare, although found in most species of cheese.

What is a colourless tasteless odourless gas?

Cheese right someone put cheese how is that a colourless gas i will never know but i think the answer is gas

What is the Element of cheese?

Cheese is a colloid (a gel) containing liquid dispersed in a solid organic medium. It consists of several elements including carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, as well as salt, containing chlorine and sodium. Cheese is formed from the coagulation of casein (milk protein).

Is cheese unsaturated fat or saturated fat?

A saturated fatty food fully saturated with hydrogen atoms, these foods don't have any carbon-carbon bond. A review of the medical literature published in 2012 noted that: "Cheese consumption is the leading contributor of SF (saturated fat) in the U.S. diet. We need to avoid cheese as much as we can.

What are the steps in cheese processing and their functions?

First you put the cheese in your mouth. Then you chew the cheese. Next you swallow the cheese. Finally, you digest the cheese. The functions are: yellow cheese, goat cheese, gouda cheese, Swiss cheese, cheddar cheese, provolone cheese, American cheese, monterey jack cheese, bleu cheese, limburger cheese, aged cheese, parmessiano aregiano cheese, mozzorella cheese, pizza cheese, shredded cheese, wheel of cheese, wedge of cheese, cheese fondue, cream cheese, stinky cheese, cheese cake, ratatouille cheese, cheese whiz, colby jack, cottage cheese, Mexican cheese, feta cheese, folded cheese with mint, ricotta cheese, gorganzola cheese, marbled cheese, regurgitated cheese, aged gouda, cheese log, nacho cheese, brie cheese, mascarpone cheese, mini bell cheese, havarti cheese, munster cheese, and pepper jack cheese. For a full list of cheeses, visit

What elements are found in cheese?

Cheese is an organic compound, formed by the coagulation of milk protein (casein). It consists of several elements, chiefly carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but also calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. Salted cheeses contain substantial chlorine and sodium.

Do Cheese Nips have fake cheese or real cheese?

Cheese Nips have no cheese.

How do you get free melted on trisects cheese cheese?

cheese + Cheese = cheese + cream - Cheese = cheesy cream hahaha

What do you call cheese that is not yours?

nacho cheese get it cheese that isnt your is not-cho-cheese