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Chlorine does not occur naturally. It occurs when extracted from limestone or calcium chloride. Search on the internet has plenty of answers

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Q: Does chlorine come from salt You are in year 8 and doing a science assignment You need to the know mining or the extraction of chlorine but you have no idea where it comes from?
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Any chance of decrease gold rate?

As the demand for this metal goes up there is no margin of chance for Gold prices to come down. The mining and extraction of gold is very expensive. It needs a lot money.

Is hydrometallurgy used in mining copper?

Hydrometallurgy is used for the processing of copper.Example: Leaching of copper oxide ores using a solution containing sulphuric acid. The Copper can then be recovered from solution using solvent extraction and electrowinning.

How is platinum mined?

Ore leaves the mine to be refined.The first step in the mining process is getting the platinum ore out of the ground and into a refinery or processing plant. Two methods exist to extract platinum ore: the old "narrow reef method" and newer mechanical mining methods. The original "narrow reef method" consists of drilling holes, loading them with explosives and removing the ore once it's blasted free.Newer methods utilize specialized drilling equipment to remove the ore and load-haul-dump machines to transport the ore from the mine. Platinum may be mined using traditional open-pit strip-mining methods or underground mining methods, depending on where the vein is located.Extracting pgm from the rest.Once it's mined, the extraction process begins. The platinum ore is first crushed to produce tiny particles suitable for further treatment. The next step is the flotation separation method, which relies on air particles bubbling through an aeration tank to adhere to pgm particles and float them to the top of the tank. They form a froth at the top of the tank, which is then skimmed off for refining.Concentrating pgm.The concentration process requires smelting the dried pgm froth at high temperatures to separate the pgm further from unwanted materials. Other minerals oxidize and are removed. The pgm is then treated with air to blow out particles of iron and sulfur in order to further concentrate the platinum group metals.Refining platinum.After mining, extraction and concentration, platinum group metals must be refined. This is another step that removes nickel, copper and cobalt from the other pgm. Electrolytic techniques remove the copper, cobalt and nickel from platinum group metals. Finally, a series of ion-exchange techniques, distillation and solvent extraction occur. Soluble metals, such as gold, are dissolved in hydrochloric acid and chlorine gas, and finally only platinum remains.

How coal is recovered?

coal is recovered from mining

How is plutonium used in gold mining?

Plutonium is not used in gold mining !

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What is subsurface mining?

Subsurface mining, is the extraction of ores and minerals, which lie underground.

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tactical extraction

How the mining of uranium occur?

Extraction of uranium:- extraction from underground mines- open pit mines- leaching

Which best defines mining?

Mining: The extraction of minerals in rocks or the ground. Usually involving a pickaxe or tool.

What are the 4 basic mining activities?

The four basic mining activities are reclamation, extraction, exploration, and processing.

How is gold taken out of the ground?

Mining, grinding, extraction or panning

What is pipe mining?

it is the extraction of plastic pipes from the earth crust

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What is the Difference between temporal mining and spatial mining?

spatial mining is the extraction of knowledge,spatial relationships and intresting measures that are not explicitly stored in spatial database where as temporal mining is the extraction of knowledge about occurence of an event or values whether they follow cylic,random,seasonal variation etc...and other intrestion time related patterns.

What mining process is most common for the extraction of a diamond?

Most diamonds are mined with an open-pit mining process. You can read more, below.