

Does chocolate have acid

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Q: Does chocolate have acid
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Does chocolate have uric acid in it?

No Chocolate is considered a low purine food. The uric acid in the body is produced by foods that have purines in them.

Does dark chocolate have acid in it?

no it does'nt

Is chocolate counted as acid?


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Is Chocolate really a food that causes acid reflux?

Does chocolate soymilk affect acid reflux? Soymilk, like dairy milk, is basic, and will neutralize stomach acid to some extent. It's possible that soymilk would relieve discomfort associated with acid reflux, however, it will not treat the underlying cause of too much acid being produced. Talk to a doctor for treatment options.

Can chocolate milk bother acid reflux?

yes it can. There is caffeine in chocolate. Caffine irritates the intestines therefore one must omit chocolate or limit its use.

Can acid rain poison your chocolate?

Not really, it's only water.

Does chocalate contain any uric acid?

No chocolate is low in purines and therefore does not produce a great deal of uric acid,

Can chocolate be healthy?

Yes Chocolate in moderation is a healthy dessert choice. Here are some health fact about chocolate and cocoa drinks. I Chocolate in all it's forms as well as real white chocolate is a healthy choice as a treat All forms of chocolate, including white have cocoa butter which contains a heart healthy sterol or fatty acid, known as stearic acid. In addition both Dark and milk chocolate contain stearic acid as well as healthy polyphenols and nutrients known to benefit the body and to influence a positive mind set. Dark chocolate, however, contains the most nutrients and polyphenols.

What things contain nitrous acid?

Nitrous acid is typically found in solutions where nitric oxide reacts with oxygen. It is not commonly found as a pure substance due to its unstable nature. It can be formed in small quantities in the atmosphere through reactions involving nitrogen oxides.

Is chocolate in white chocolate?

Yes, there is.More information:Most white chocolate sold in the supermarket is a white chocolate confection, not real white chocolate. White chocolate confections are similar to white vanilla cake icing. The sometimes contain hydrogenated oils, and they contain no cocoa butter.Real white chocolate contains cocoa butter and cocoa butter contains a heart healthy sterol or fatty acid known as stearic acid. White chocolate contains no cocoa solids, hence it is not technically chocolate, but is market as such due to cocoa butter content.Eaten in moderation white chocolate contains a healthier fat content than does artificial white chocolate.Here are some fact on all types of chocolate.Chocolate in all it's forms as well as real white chocolate is a healthier choice as a treat or dessert, when eaten in moderation.All forms of chocolate, including white chocolate have cocoa butter which contains a heart healthy sterol or fatty acid, known as stearic acid.In addition both Dark and milk chocolate contain stearic acid as well as healthy polyphenols and nutrients known to benefit the body and to influence a positive mind set. Dark chocolate, however, contains the most nutrients and polyphenols.

What compounds are polyvinyl chloride plastic made of?

Crude oil and hydrocarbonic acid mixed with chocolate