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increased demand for oxygen

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Q: Does chronic bleeding ulcer increase erythropoiesis?
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Related questions

How bad is a stomach ulcer?

It depends. They can erode into an artery in the wall of the stomach and cause mild to severe bleeding. Sometimes they are painful and sometimes not. The pain is not necessarily proportional to the severity of the ulcer. Chronic irritation of the stomach or esophagus from an ulcer may predispose to cancer.

Hemorrhaging ulcer is what?

An ulcer is a sore, and hemorrhagin is a nicer word for bleeding. So it's a bleeding sore.

What is an Aden ulcer?

An Aden ulcer is another name for an Aleppo boil, a chronic skin disorder which terminates in an ulcer.

What are the risks of a pyloroplasty?

Potential complications of this abdominal surgery include excessive bleeding, surgical wound infection, incisional hernia, recurrence of gastric ulcer, chronic diarrhea, and malnutrition

What is the code for Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation?


What is the diagnosis code of a bleeding ulcer?


What is an adenments?

An Aden ulcer is another name for an Aleppo boil, a chronic skin disorder which terminates in an ulcer.

What is GI bleeding?

Gastro-Intestinal bleeding. Bleeding into the digestive tract usually from an ulcer or internal injury.

Can a vagotomy treat an ulcer?

It is an appropriate surgery when there are ulcer complications, such as obstruction of digestive flow, bleeding, or perforation.

What is a medical name for a bleeding ulcer?

Ulcer is a scientific (medical) name for an ulcer. An ulcer is a discontinuation in the bodily membrane, so technically, a paper cut on the finger is a form of ulcer. The fancy name does depend, however, on the location of the said ulcer.

Can peptic ulcer cause anemia?

A peptic ulcer is damage to the lining of the stomach (the cells). This damage causes bleeding and so your body loses blood. This is often slow and results in anaemia. (It can sometimes occur much quickly in which case it can cause black, tarry stools or vomiting of blood).

Does a dark stool mean a bleeding ulcer?

That is one possibility.