

Best Answer

No. A cyst is like a sore that appears on the skin or an organ of the body.

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Q: Does cyst means a sequence of events?
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Does a cavalcade mean a sequence of events?

Yes, it can mean that. It can mean a dramatic sequence of events, such as; The earthquake set off a cavalcade of aftershocks. It also means a parade, such as: A cavalcade of floats made up the parade.

What is synchronisation and asynchronisation?

Synchronisation means to start an sequence of events at same time, Asynchronisation is opposite of this.

Does casket means a sequence of events?

No. A casket is the same as a coffin. It is the case that a dead body is buried in.

How are sequence and plot related?

Sequence refers to the chronological order of events in a story, while plot refers to the series of events that make up the storyline. In a story, the plot is driven by the sequence of events that occur, with each event leading to the next to create a cohesive narrative. The sequence of events helps to structure the plot by providing a clear timeline and flow of action for the story.

What is a Sequence Essay?

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In this excerpt the sequence of events creates suspense by?

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What does cys stand for in cystitis?

cyst + itis means an infection of a cyst.

What does sequence of events mean?

It means that there are a bunch of events happening in a certain orderlist how the events happened, in the sequence they happened in. What happened first, second, third and so forth.

A record of events told in sequence is called?

historyA record of events told in sequence is called a Chronicle.