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No, but by using decaf, you can slowly wean your way off caffeinated to avoid possible withdrawal headaches. If you drink 3 cups of coffee a day and stop drinking, you're going to be just as likely to encounter caffeine withdrawal as if you start drinking 3 cups of decaf. No caffeine is no caffeine. But if you slowly switch from caffeinated to decaf, by making your coffee more and more decaffeinated by mixing in more of the decaffeinated powder over time, you might be more successful since the transition will be gradual.

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12y ago

If a person is used to a certain amount of caffeine intake daily, and they suddenly switch to decaf coffee, their body may experience headaches as their body begins to adjust to a lowered intake of caffeine.

These are called caffeine withdrawal headaches. These headaches have the dilated blood vessel component that occurs with migraines (because daily caffeine had been constricting your blood vessels and now it isn't), while also carrying with it the muscle pain component of tension headaches, causing pressure to be felt around the shoulders, neck, and scalp.

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11y ago

In the world of headaches caffeine is a double-edged sword. This means that if you have a headache, taking some caffeine into the blood stream can cure many kinds of headaches. And if you do not have a headache, taking some caffeine into your blood stream can start a nasty a headache.

Even though caffeine is a naturally occurring dietary chemical found in coffee, tea and cocoa beans, it affects the human body like a drug. It functions as a flavorless drug that stimulates the central nervous system, and it also acts as a diuretic (causing the kidneys to increase removal of fluid from the body so that urination is increased temporarily). In addition caffeine gets into our bloodstream in ways we often do not realize. Caffeine is commonly added to many types of prescription medications, appetite suppressants, pain relievers and cold medicines because, for reasons not fully understood, it makes many drugs work better. This is the reason some doctors suggest that certain drugs should be taken with caffeine to increase the effectiveness and lower the dosage of these drugs.

To get the most benefit from caffeine to reduce headaches it is best that a person does not consume it too often or take in too much caffeine during an average day. If too much caffeine is used to keep headaches away, the opposite reaction can occur and it can cause headaches to start due to excess stimulation of the central nerve system.

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Is Headache curable?

Usually withdrawal headaches resolve themselves over time. If you are concerned, seek the help of a neurologist or headache specialist.

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