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Q: Does degenerative of the first carpometacarpal joint require surgery?
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What can you do if you have Degenerative changes in the first Carpometacarpal joint?

I have the same issue on both wrists and doctor is recommending joint replacement surgery. Medicines, therapy are all temporary band-aids and will not fix the problem.

What is a subluxed 1st carpometacarpal joint?

This means you have a partial dislocation of the first joint in your thumb - Jan

What CPT code should be used for first carpometacarpal joint injection?

The code I would use is 20600.

What are the specialties of a surgeon?

Neurosurgery - surgery on the brain, spine Orthopedic surgery - surgery on the musculoskeletal system Urologic surgery - surgery on the urinary system OB/GYN surgery - surgery on the female reproductive system General Surgery - surgery on the abdominal region ENT surgery - surgery on the ears, neck, and throat There are also further subspecialization like cardiothoracic, breast, endocrine, etc. that require a general surgery residency first.

Will an avulsion fracture on c5 combined with bulging c4 and c5 disks require surgery?

Surgery should be a last resort. There are wonderful ways that may allow you to have these problems taken care of without surgery. Your first stop needs to be to the office of a well experienced chiropractor!

When was veterinary surgery first performed?

It is unknown when the first veterinary surgery was performed; some people may have done surgery on their own pets.

What should you do after a hip replacement?

Aftercare for hip revision surgery is essentially the same as for hip replacement surgery. The major difference is that some patients with very weak bones are asked to use canes or walkers

Where was the first brain surgery performed?

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Who did the first brain surgery?

the Mexicans :)

Who invented antiseptic surgery?

Joseph Lister was the first person to invent antiseptic surgery.

Who perfomed first open heart surgery in Australia?

dr victor chang first peformed open heart surgery in Australia

When does one require arthroscopic knee surgery?

This can only be determined by a physician. First, you will need to see your primary care provider. Your primary care provider will make a diagnosis or a "preliminary diagnosis." You will then most likely be given a referral to an orthopedic physician. Lastly, only your orthopedic physician can determine the need for arthroscopic surgery.