

Best Answer

I think you just answered your own question, the answer is dessert means the food, not the land. I just memorize it by this little trick. I can have two desserts, so I can have two S, ss :)

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Q: Does dessert mean food or does desert?
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Was Moses with the Hebrew people in the dessert?

No, but he was with them in the desert. (dessert is food).

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What dessert wines begin with the letter S?

the Sahara desert but if u mean food im thinking s'mores

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yes You must mean desert surely. Dessert is pudding.

What is a homograph for desert?

No, homographs are words that are spelled the same but mean different. so the homograph for desert is desert.

Is Cairo a desert of ancient Egypt?

Cairo is a major city. Cairo is the capital of Egypt. It is not a dessert. A dessert is a tasty, often times sweet food generally eaten after dinner. Pie is a dessert. Cairo is a city. The Sahara is a desert.

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More water and food and less desert and more dessert.

Is the North Pole considered a dessert?

I believe you mean a desert, in which case the answer is yes.

What words are misspelled 'The family had just eaten chocolate cake for desert'?

Desert is a place with lots of sand Dessert is a sweet food

Is royal jelly a dessert?

No it is not a desert not even a proper food but rather natural food supplement that is greatly beneficial to our health.

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dessert its not dessert its desert -.- dessert it like another meal....

Is there a Siberian desert?

First of all, it's important to know the difference between dessert and desert. Dessert means food items served at the end of a meal. Desert means dry area where natural vegetation is scarce and life is a difficult one. Siberia is a cold desert.