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I believe you mean a desert, in which case the answer is yes.

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Q: Is the North Pole considered a dessert?
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What is next north?

now i will tell you it's the a dessert a snowy dessert called the north pole

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Why is the north pole or arctic north not considered a continent?

Becuse we all have ancestors

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Alligators live in sub-tropical climates (such as Florida and southern Louisiana).

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It takes about 12,450.5 miles from the north pole to the south pole or south pole to north pole.

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Why did Frosty the Snowman go to the North Pole?

Frosty went to the North Pole because the North Pole is the only place where Frosty will never melt. However in the North Pole, it's considered winter all year long, even when it's summer in other parts of the world, and even when it's winter in other parts of the world.

Which pole did Matthew Hanson reach with explorer Robert Pearly?

north pole north pole north pole

What is an abbreviation for 90 degrees north latitude?

The North Pole

Why is the north pole considered the last frontier?

Actually, space is considered the last frontier, or the "final frontier" if your into Star Trek.

Why is the north pole not considered a continent?

The north pole is not considered a continent because it has no soil or land. It is made up completely of water, therefore it is not a continent. Unlike the south pole, which has land underneath its snow covering.