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Actually, space is considered the last frontier, or the "final frontier" if your into Star Trek.

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Q: Why is the north pole considered the last frontier?
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north pole , ( the last person answer this , " yes or no " question is wrong.) it is north pole

Why is sailing a ship north toward the north pole considered suck a risk?

The north pole is covered with ice, you can not sail through ice.

Why is the north pole or arctic north not considered a continent?

Becuse we all have ancestors

When did the south pole and north pole last switch?

790,000 years ago

How much of the North Pole has gone?

about 30% in the last 2 years

Is the North Pole considered a dessert?

I believe you mean a desert, in which case the answer is yes.

How long does the night last on December 21st at the north pole?

At the north pole, the sun stays down for six months. December 21 is the middle of that period.

Why did they want to climb Mount Everest in 1950s?

Back in the 1920's Mount Everest was climbed for the adventure. It was classed as the thrid pole, both the South and North pole had been reached and Everest was the last unknown adventure.

Why did Frosty the Snowman go to the North Pole?

Frosty went to the North Pole because the North Pole is the only place where Frosty will never melt. However in the North Pole, it's considered winter all year long, even when it's summer in other parts of the world, and even when it's winter in other parts of the world.

How many miles is it from the south pole to the north pole?

It takes about 12,450.5 miles from the north pole to the south pole or south pole to north pole.

If you were standing at the earths north pole which would be located in the zenith?

north celestial pole