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Q: Does dictionary list all the inflections of regular inflected words?
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Is Modern English a highly inflected synthetic language?

No, Modern English is not a highly inflected synthetic language. It is considered an analytic language, meaning it relies more on word order and auxiliary words to convey meaning, as opposed to inflections on words.

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What is the latin phrase 'Prope nox terminus?

It's garbage - Latin words, but not inflected properly. Looks like someone took words from an English>Latin dictionary and put them together. Doesn't work that way.

What is the medical dictionary used for?

The medical dictionary is commonly used like a regular dictionary, but instead full of medical related words.

What is inflections drama?

Certain words you emphasize

What can be found in the dictionary?

A dictionary typically contains a list of words, their definitions, pronunciations, and sometimes their etymologies or word origins. It may also have information on spelling, usage, and variations in meaning.

What does inflection mean?

Inflection - a change in pitch or loudness of the voice, the act or result of curving or bending, the change of form that words undergo to mark case, gender, number, tense, person, mood, or voice. Inflections also include changes in ending and changes within the stem, such as: he - him - his

What are the differences between a regular dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary?

The main difference is the depth and breadth of coverage. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is a comprehensive historical dictionary that provides detailed etymologies and historical usage examples, whereas a regular dictionary typically offers concise definitions and current meanings of words. The OED also includes words that are obsolete or archaic, while regular dictionaries focus on contemporary language.

Is a dictionary considered a periodical?

No, a dictionary is not considered a periodical. A dictionary is a reference book that provides definitions, meanings, and pronunciations of words, while a periodical is a publication that is released at regular intervals, such as a magazine or newspaper.

What are some benefits of using a Franklin electronic dictionary?

There are many benefits of using a Franklin electronic dictionary. The main benefit is that it is much more convenient than using a regular paperback dictionary. It also allows for access to updated words.

How many words are in a dictionary?

There are about 30,000 words in Oxford Dictionary.

What is an inflected language?

An inflected language is a type of language where words change form to indicate different grammatical relationships, such as tense, person, number, gender, or case. This is typically done by adding prefixes or suffixes to the root of the word. Examples of inflected languages include Latin, Russian, and German.