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Diet may influence body odor.

Generally I think it's absurd to think that only hygiene or genes are responsible for body odor. When you eat garlic, you smell garlic and it has nothing to do with bacteria on your skin. We dispose of many toxins throught the skin and thus we smell what we eat.

One of the examples is when you cut on sugar in your diet (e.g. South Beach, Atkins diets). After some time the body switches to burning fats in your body and one of the by-products is ammonia smell.

The research has been made that people eating red meat produced more foul smell than people abstaining from red meat.

Some say large daily intake of dairy products may cause sour smell.

Digestion problems also may cause foul smell.

In order to get rid of the smell some suggest a well balanced diet: 1/3 protein and fat, 1/3 grain and 1/3 vegetables. You should not overeat (and clog your stomach and intestines)

Green vegetables contain chlorophyll that are a natural deodorant. Chlorophyll can be bought as a supplement. Other supplements like bromelain might help digest proteins and reduce unpleasant body odor.

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Why might you have body odor even after using deodorant and how can you solve this?

Body Odor and Vaginal Odor could have different reasons. In most cases vaginal odor is a symptom of vaginal infections and it could be easily treated. The main reasons for body odor could be hygiene, food and sweating which also can be controlled. You better discover all details in recommended link above. Assuming you shower and change your clothes, if it is a general body odor, look at your diet or any medication you may be taking. Either one could be causing problems. If there is something in your diet you eat regularly try not eating it for a couple of weeks. It may be a process of elimination. If it is something coming out in your sweat, it will take some time for your body to eliminate it . With medicine, either go online to see if other people have had a similar reaction or ask your doctor. Some cologne can smell alright to us but not other people.