

Does dirt have cells

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Bacteria are a type of microbe.

Dirt is the generic name for a mixture of organic and inorganic materials, as such it is not a microbe. However, dirt frequently contains bacteria as a constituent.

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Q: Does dirt have cells
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What protects eardrum from dirt?

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What protects the eardrum from dirt?

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How do throat cells stop dirt from going into your lungs?

Throat cells are lined with tiny hair-like structures called cilia that constantly beat in a coordinated motion to sweep away dirt and other particles. Additionally, mucus produced by the cells traps and removes particles that may enter the throat. This helps prevent dirt from reaching the lungs.

What is the function of the ciliated cells in the lungs?

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What can smoking do to the cells?

inside your lungs there are some cells called cillia they are little hairs that sway side to side hat remove dust and dirt from your lungs. when you smoke you are killing those cells thus all the dirt stays in your lungs making it hard for you to breath

How do the epithelial cells stop dust from entering the lungs?

They don't the only way to keep dirt from going into your throat is to breathe through your nose where your nose hair and mucus provide traps for dirt. Yout throat cells have tiny hairs which trap and prevent dust and dirt from going into your body, you also have these cells in your nose too.

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What are good things about human cells?

Skin cells make our skin and skin protects us from dirt and germs getting directly into our body, and cells allow us to be here for if we didnt have cells we wouldn't exist

Are cilia present in throat?

The cilia cells waft dirt and germs away from the windpipe.

What is ciliated cell's adptation?

Ciliated cells help to clear dust and dirt from your airways with tiny hairs.