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only their dorsal fin looks like a shark but they have a long snout and sharks wave their tails side to side while dolphins move their tails up and down, they make high sqeaks, pops and whisltes to send out echoes which is how they find their food when the sound bounce back at them in water they cant see in. (echolocation). sharks are more aggresiive than a dolphin. dolphins will attack a human or something else if they feel threaetened enough. (so dont try to touch them if you see one in the ocean. people have been attacked and killed by dolphins because they scared them and felt threatned.)

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Q: Does dolphins look like sharks a little?
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What is the realtion between a dolphin and a shark?

In actuality, dolphins and sharks aren't related at all. A shark is a fish, while a dolphin is a mammal. They look similar because of a phenomenon called convergence. Convergence is when two unrelated organisms evolve similar mechanisms to cope with the same environmental structure. This means that sharks and dolphins look the same because that form is the best form for an aquatic predator. For another example, look at the extinct ichthyosaurs. They may look like dolphins and fish, but they are actually repitles that evolved from a land-based ancestor. their fin bones

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Why do dolphins and sharks look similar?

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What do people look out at the ocean to see?

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When two unrelated organisms look alike sharks and dolphins?

dear all gana die

What do people look out at the ocean to see FF?

Waves, sunset, dolphins, sharks, boats, and birds!

Do dolphins look like whales?

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