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Q: Does drinking more water help with skin complexion?
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Does drinking lot of water help in reducing fat?

Absolutely, drinking water can aid in cleaning the body. It is also known that drinking more water can help to prevent overeating and benefit weight loss.

Does chugging water help you lose weight?

yes but no because your drinking to much water and that will just make you have to pee and be more heathier

Does drinking water help to produce more milk when breastfeeding?

It certainly could help, yes - breast milk is very largely water, just like regular milk.

Does drinking pop make you urinate more than water?

No, drinking water will make you urinate more than drinking soda. This is because the water cleans the toxins out of your body.

Can you control your sodium intake by drinking more water?

you have to cut back on salt not by drinking more water.

Are we running out of drinking water-?

No, we are not running out of drinking water in the United States.

What are the effects on the body if excess water is excreted from feces?

Dehydration, you will become more thirsty, and are at risk of dehydration related problems such as fatigue and headache. When excess water is lost in the faeces you often lose a lot of necessary salts also, through the resultant diarrhoea. Drinking juice or eating as well as drinking some more water can help. Eating more fibre will also help you retain more water.

How much weight you can lose in one week by drinking more water?

None at all. Drinking more water will not reduce your weight.

Will water help you lose weight?

Drinking sufficent is important, but drinking more than that won't do you any extra good.Drinking water regularly helps to keep you feel full so you don't snack on empty calories.

Does water burn calories while your drinking it?

Drinking water does burn calories and drinking an 8-ounce glass of cold water burns 9.25 calories more than drinking room temperature water.

Will drinking water after drinking tequila help dilute it or just cause more problems?

Drinking water after any alcohol won't 'dilute' it, but it does ease the next morning's hangover by keeping the body hydrated. Most hangover symptoms are caused by dehydration, and those that aren't are aggravated by it.

Does drinking distilled water help get pot out of your system?

No it dose not. To get pot out of your system you just have to relax wait and do some more pot!