

Best Answer

Yes, In fact if you drink two pop's a week it increesess your risk by 80%.

Because of all the sugers and chemica'ls they to out into it. All of that fat and suger stores and start's causing cancer. It could be any kind of cancer...


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Q: Does drinking pop cause cancer
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Related questions

Why does drinking pop make you have cancer?

Welll, It is true!

Does diet pop cause you cancer?


What are three consequences of drinking a lot of pop?

You get fat!! Or die of brain cancer

Can you get cancer by drinking picklejuice?

no- pickle juice is not known or suspected to cause cancer.

What makes pop different from any other drink?

Pop has fizz. also, some pop that has a brown pigment that can cause many animals cancer. Humans may be able to get it from things like coke and dr pepper but this information is never gonna stop me from drinking it!

Do pop tarts cause cancer?

i dont think so

Can selenium cause cancer?

i beleive elevated levels of selenium in drinking water can cause canceer

Is one can of pop a day bad?

Yes, espically if you have black or brown pop, that causes cancer, and if you have pop alot, it can cause you to get fat.

Does drinking too much pop cause osteoporosis?

No- but it does not do any good for your teeth!

How does diet pop cause cancer?

The acid in the pop can doesn't contribute to an alkaline environment, even after being processed at the stomach, which cancer favors. The sugar will weaken the immune system, which is necessary to kill cancer.

Can alcoholic beverages cause cancer?

Anything can cause cancer and depending on your predisposition to certain types of cancer not taking care of your body you can have cancer. The drinking of too much alcohol can cause alcoholic hepatitis which can lead to the development of jaundice. Chronic liver inflammation can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Binge drinking can cause blackouts, memory loss and anxiety. Long term drinking can cause permanent brain damage and serious mental problems. So, as you can see alcohol is not the best for maximum performance of your body.

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no it is good 4 you and makes your eyeballs pop out!