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The acid in the pop can doesn't contribute to an alkaline environment, even after being processed at the stomach, which cancer favors.

The sugar will weaken the immune system, which is necessary to kill cancer.

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Q: How does diet pop cause cancer?
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Is one can of pop a day bad?

Yes, espically if you have black or brown pop, that causes cancer, and if you have pop alot, it can cause you to get fat.

Can Diet Coke cause swelling in legs?

no it can not cause swelling in your legs, but if your allergic to pop it might

Is there a link between diet and bladder cancer signs?

No particular diet will necessarily cause one to get bladder cancer, however it has been proven that a healthy consumption of fruits and vegetables can help to prevent bladder cancer. There is no known cause for any types of cancer at this time.

What is the chemical causing cancer in Diet Coke?

Aspartame, the sugar substitute, is the controversial chemical that some believe can cause cancer.

What will cause more weight gain diet pop or regular?

Regular pop is sweetened with sucrose and / or high fructose corn syrup and so will have more calories than diet pop. However, the sweeteners in diet pop still give you a taste for sweet things so you may end up eating just as many calories in the rest of your diet.

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No, but too much meat in your diet can cause irritation in your bowels that could lead to cancer later in life.

How is diet pop different from regular pop?

Diet pop contains "aspartame", it is the "diet" part of the drink that takes the calories, fats and sugars out of regular pop.

Does drinking pop cause cancer?

Yes, In fact if you drink two pop's a week it increesess your risk by 80%. Because of all the sugers and chemica'ls they to out into it. All of that fat and suger stores and start's causing cancer. It could be any kind of cancer... SO BE CAREFUL!