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yes sais the hipser with his skinnny jeans

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Q: Does eating after drinking decrease the chances of an alcohol overdose?
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How do you decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose?

Don't drink. Common equation is 1 ounce of alcohol an hour. Even this will catch up with you if you do it long enough, but it gives you the chance to stop. Binge drinking or drinking contests are a sure way of over doing it.We can't answer questions from printed/copyrighted materials.

Which of the following decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose A keeping one's BAC in a safer range well below 0.04 percent B eating after drinking C drinking purer grades of alcohol D both a?

Of the options you listed, the most correct answer is keeping the blood alcohol content below 0.04, but eating would also help. The "grade" would have no effect on whether or not you get alcohol poisoning.

Can you drink alcohol after stitches?

Drinking alcohol soon after surgery is discouraged because alcohol thins the blood (which is good for the heart and circulatory system) but increases the chances of bleeding.

What will happened if you take sleeping pills after drinking?

Bad idea. This could lead to alcohol poisoning, overdose, coma, liver failure, and even death. Although both of these substances can cause these things your increasing your chances for it to happen in about 5 minutes afterwards.

How does alcohol affect the body long term?

Long-term effects of drinking alcohol in moderation are the significantly increased chances of better health and longer life.

Do having tonsils decrease the chances of getting strep throat?

No. It does not decrease the chances of strep throat.

Effects of alcohol on heart?

Drinking alcohol temporarily makes the heart beat slower than usual. Consuming alcohol in moderation reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by about 40% and increases the chances of surviving a heart attack.

Does drinking alcohol lower your chances of getting pregnant?

No it probably increases the chance by lowering inhibitions, leading to risky behavior. It also causes birth defects like Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

What are the chances After cancer treatment have been completed what therapy is used to decrease that chances that the cancer will recur?

Adjuvant therapy is used to decrease the chances that cancer will recur.

Can treating acid reflux decrease the chances of having a heart attack?

Treating acid reflux does not decrease the chances of having a heart attack.

What is the risk of detoxing to quick after a drug and alcohol overdose?

There is always some risk to detox, but one assumes that a detox after an overdose would be medically-monitored. It should be as risk free as detox can be. It is never a good idea to detox on your own. There are too many chances for medical problems that could require quick response.